Monday, June 24, 2019

Identity Politics Forum Update Sunday 23rd June 2019

This ship made it beyond lightspeed with two pilots but buckled under the pressure on Sunday 23rd June 2019, so it is in need of some urgent repairs.

Subject questions, topics and highlights for Sunday 23rd June 2019 were:

  1. What is the future of Artificial Intelligence in relation to Race and Ethnic Profiling?
  2. Should all religious schools be banned in the UK and replaced with General Religious Education?

  1. Does Britain need a British Trump to make Britain Great Again?

  1. Are all Identity Politics labels retarded and reactionary?

  1. Free Kashmir! (Asian Politics)

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

AFRICAN INITIATION EXAM - The White and Mixed Race Question


AFRICAN INITIATION EXAM - The White and Mixed Race Question
#AfriCan/#AfriKan Expert Level Examination Test for Initiation.

Poll Duration: 6 Days, 6 Hours, 6 Minutes.
Time: 6 Minutes, 6 Seconds.
Rating: Maximum Difficulty.
Source: #IdentityPoliticsForum #IPF
Question: Can #WhitePeople and #MixedRace people be #Africans?

Yes. If they are generous to an #African tribe.

Yes. If they were born in #Africa.

Yes. If they know #Africa and #African Culture.

Yes. If they defeat #Africa and #African Culture.

No. #WhitePeople and #MixedRace people cannot be #AfriCans / #AfriKans.


The #IC3 #BlackBankForReparations and the Rewards for Racial Justice Program (RFRJ) program

The Rewards for Racial Justice Program (RFRJ) is the counter white supremacist rewards program of the IC3 Black Reparations Bank Dipl...