Thursday, May 14, 2020

WORLD VOODOO CHAMPIONSHIP #VooDoo #VooDooChampions #VooDooChampionship


#VooDoo #VooDooChampions #VooDooChampionship 

#Africa #Americas #Caribbean #Europe #BlackDiaspora

#ReparationShares #CurseOfHam #ADOS #HaitianRevolution

#DuttyBoukman #CécileFatiman #BlackBanking

#RacialConservation #RacialRemembrancer 

#IdentityPoliticsForum #IPF #RacialRepublic

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

#DropTheAfriKan and pick up the #IC3 #BlackNationalParty

#DropTheAfriKan and pick up the #IC3 #BlackNationalParty

Does your bank have #Racist plans? 

Does your #Race pay more for insurance? 

#RacialBanking #RacialCurrency

#IdentityPoliticsForum #IPF #RacialRepublic

Who is the best #BlackMoney manager? 

#AfriKans are born losers and #AfriKans will continue to be losers until the #CurseOfHam is lifted. The accursed kinky haired #Negroes. #DropTheAfriKan for #IC3 #BlackPower #BlackBanking #ReparationShares 

#RacialConservation #RacialRemembrancer 

#IdentityPoliticsForum #IPF #RacialRepublic 

The #IC3 #BlackBankForReparations and the Rewards for Racial Justice Program (RFRJ) program

The Rewards for Racial Justice Program (RFRJ) is the counter white supremacist rewards program of the IC3 Black Reparations Bank Dipl...